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Fwd: Events at login

In addition to the issue below (still pending as I did not get any
clue), the system run out of memory during a calculation while trying
to allocate a small mem segments: "to allocate a shared memory segment
of 49283072 bytes in size".


cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmax
reported 33554432
while I had set on 18Apr2008 24000000000.

Any trace of setting kernel.shmmax and kernel.shmall had disappeared
from sysctl.

Of course I had run "sysctlc -p" as proved by not having any memory
problems in allocation very large mem segments until recently. I have
nowreallocated shmmax.

Whether or not this issue is related to the one below, both happenen
without warning on my amd6a.

francesco pietra

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Francesco Pietra <chiendarret@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 6:48 PM
Subject: Events at login
To: amd64 Debian <debian-amd64@lists.debian.org>

Hope this is specific of amd64.

I can't exactly remember when the problem started, probably along with
a compilation. Now, at user login (single user, amd64 lenny, a
NUMA-type multi dual-opteron machine)  a long list appears before the
prompt. The list includes:

---"Last login ...date"

---Several lines of "declare -x", each such line for an environmental

That occurs even on no-password slogin from my desktop (this may
trigger some problem when launching calculations from the desktop).
Otherwise, the amd64 machine works properly.

>From where is the list read, and hod to kill that reading?


francesco pietra

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