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Re: uswsusp not detecting swap during Debian testing install

On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 13:27:42 -0400,
lsorense@csclub.uwaterloo.ca (Lennart Sorensen) wrote:


> The way the partition table works on PCs is that there is room for 4
> entries.  Those are your 4 primary partitions.  That's it.  No more
> bytes left for partition entries.  To get around this, logical
> partitions were invented, which use a special primary partition called
> an extended partition.  This special partition contains another
> partition table at the start with room for 4 more primary partitions.
> In the extended partition you make a primary partition for your logical
> drive, and if you need more, you make another primary partition
> containing an extended entry.  The extended entry then has another
> partition table at the start where you put another primary partition for
> your second logical partition, and you just keep repeating for all yoru
> logical drives.


Thanks so much for this concise and clear summary of partitions!  I'll
make sure the /home is not primary but logical.  I'll also check into the
benefits of the LVM setup you suggested.


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