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Re: Lots of packets are missing in amd64/etch...

On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 09:34 -0300, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
> >For etch to have
> >all amd64 packages every package has to migrate to etch. That just
> >takes time.
> And if packages happen to have RC bugs, then that takes an even longer
> time. ;-)

So, what is the right way to handle things if one has a running etch
system (based on debian-amd64, with a line in sources.list such as 'deb
ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian-amd64/debian/ testing contrib main
non-free')? Do nothing until the full official etch repository is
available? Or should one add a line to sources.list that includes the
new, official stuff?


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