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Re: Can't copy DVD

On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 02:49:36PM +0100, studio-64 wrote:
> Seems we still can't copy DVD's.
> Just been asked by a client to copy his DVD and it seems
> I can't copy DVD's (its our own DVD so no copyright hassles)
> Do we on Linux have to suffer this each time we update our systems?
> I'm on a 64 bit studio, and now I have to use windows to copy a DVD.
> I realise this isn't important to some developers as we move the systems on.
> It's just embarrassing for us users that we have to use windows to do 
> such a standard thing as copy a DVD.
> I use K3B on Linux 64bit and didn't realise I couldn't copy my own DVD 
> till now.

I would think dd + growisofs should do it given the right parameters.

dd if=/dev/dvd of=file.iso
growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=file.iso
(might want to add -dvd-compat before -Z)

Depending on how the dvd was done dd might have to be told where to
stop.  With CDs that used to be an issue at least that it would give
some errors by trying to read a bit past the end of the CD.

> We have a long, long, way to go.

If it was not possible to do it yet (which it is) then either no one has
thought it was a useful feature, or no one has felt like implementing it

Amazlingly windows can't copy DVDs without add on software either.
Windows must have a long way to go.

Len Sorensen

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