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Re: Prob with nvidia and X11 on pure64bit

On Monday 02 May 2005 15:19, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 02:15:43PM +0200, Lars Schimmer wrote:
> > I installed a pure 64bit sid on a athlon64 machine with a nvidia
> > graphics card. Now I took the closed source driver from nvidia and let
> > it built and install its drivers.
> > After that I used to restart kdm and it works.
> > Now it seems, X11 has its own lib/X11/lib64 directory for 64bit libs
> > and a normal /lib dir for normal libs. But on a pure 64bit machine,
> > that's nonsense, or? So I linked the nvidia driver fom lib64 to lib
> > and restart kdm, and wit worked. Kinda problematic for newbies.
> Do NOT use nvidia's installer.  Use Debian's installer and things just
> work.  Nvidia's installer assumes a redhat'ish filesystem which isn't
> how debian does things.

I've just tried installing the nvidia drivers for pure64/sid the debian way 
and I'm getting nothing but trouble. When kdm starts to draw to the screen 
it goes **very** slowly and then locks up my system requiring the power 
button to be pressed.

Of course if should be noted that I'm using a 2.6.12rc3 kernel as previous 
kernels rendered my system horribly slow.


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