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CAON Releases Fact Sheet For Investors

Chan-On International Inc.
Symbol: CAON
Close: $0.72 UP 4.35%

Read this over the weekend, you won't be sorry. CAON has changed
direction and investors love it. Friday's volume went through the roof.
Big news expected Monday. Set your marker for CAON first thing Monday!

I'm also awarding it the Tucows Editors Choice Award for excellence.
Learn how these companies are using RSS as part of their marketing
strategies. Not surprisingly, ideas for blog posts or RSS feed items
originate or are influenced by other web content.

Answer: There are no maximums or minimums when it comes to podcast size.
Many educational bloggers use RSS as a means to syndicate blog posts.
The room should also have a door, so that you will not have unexpected
interruptions. What started as a hobby for many, has turned into a
lucrative profession for some. Following this guide will insure that the
interview goes off without a hitch. If you want to do a podcast, this is
the program you need.

Namespace Explanation Please also keep in mind that details for specific
extensions are listed in the Namespace Directory.
Reduce extraneous noise by turning off fans or any equipment. Obviously,
the larger files might intimidate listeners with a slow connection. This
fact stands as a tribute to the many pioneers who braved new ground in
the name of "shareware. Today nearly all software companies use the
"shareware" marketing model whether they use the term or not. It also
deciphers the technical jargon used on websites to explain the iPods
various features and functions. The room should have a carpet or
furniture that will absorb echoes and dampen the sound.
The most technical information you will need to get started: your Web
site server address and FTP server type. Instructors have used blogging
as a teaching tool. Namespace Explanation Please also keep in mind that
details for specific extensions are listed in the Namespace Directory.
The location should be free of external distractions and relatively

Research Interview Subject Do your homework about the individual or
individuals you are interviewing. Export your work to several popular
audio formats.

Question: Are there any size limitations to podcasts? Email open rates
have plummeted, filtering systems have become increasingly complex and
with the complexity and volume even "approved" messages have been unable
to get through. While other institution's publicly post their podcasts
and offer non-enrolled students insight into the class material.
Helping students learn writing and reporting skills while understanding
how to use technology.
Today nearly all software companies use the "shareware" marketing model
whether they use the term or not.

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