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Re: Prob getting X going with Matrox card and Woody and XFree 4

Robert Funnell wrote:
> Michael, have you tried turning off fbdev? I had what might have been
> a related problem which was solved by doing so. In that case, the
> message about mga_hal was a red herring. (See thread 'X can't find
> usable screens' on this list around the end of last September).

Thanks to Robert and Doug :-) As Doug sugggested I used dpkg-reconfigure
but this time turned off frame buffer suppport as Robert suggested and
it worked fine. 

The screen is dispaced to the right and down a bit compared to the
XFree3.3 position. I'll read up on how I can displace that rather than
using the monitor controls all the time as I will still be booting
between old and new systems for a while.

Yeah I found the posts on "can't find usable screens" last Sep in these
lists via google but didnt read far enough. I had read:

> On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Wm. Josiah Erikson wrote:
> > I might try turning off fbdev. I have an XP1000 with a Matrox Millennium
> > MGA (had to replace the original PBXGC with Cirrus Logic GD5429/IBM
> > 26H3574 because it's not supported in XFree86), and that's what I had to
> > do to make it work. Email me and I'll send you my config file if you want.
> In my experimenting I actually tried turning off fbdev at one point,
> and it seemed to make things worse. I got the messages
>    (WW) MGA(0): Video BIOS info block not detected!

so I didnt try turning off fb.

Thanks for the help guys, much apppreciated. I am now running in
Enlightenment again.

> > On 2002.12.21 06:45 Michael Lake wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I have installed Debian 3.0 onto an LX164 onto a new hard disk and
> > > can't get X going. It runs
> > >         "couldn't open module mga_hal
> > >         screens found but none have a usable configuration.
> > >         Fatal server error: no screens found."

Michael Lake
Active caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.

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