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XF4.1 building

I while ago i had tried building X from sources, i could never get it
going.  Last night i downloaded XF4.2 sources, and what do ya know, they
built.  But i found out that XDM was still broken in 4.2, so i decided
i'd get the 4.1 sources and build those instead.

I got the following:

make[5]: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
tbl ../../../doc/util/macros.t Trans.ms | groff -Tps -ms 2> index.raw >
XIMTransport.nPS \
&& mv -f XIMTransport.nPS XIMTransport.PS
make[5]: [XIMTransport.PS] Error 3 (ignored)
groff: can't find `DESC' file
groff:fatal error: invalid device `ps'
make[5]: *** [XIMTransport.PS] Error 1
tbl ../../../doc/util/macros.t Trans.ms | nroff -ms 2> index.raw | col
-b > XIMTransport.txt

Over 200 lines of messages similar to those.  I dont know what device
'ps' is supposed to be, and why groff is looking for it.  

Could someone give me a hand here?


Richard Fillion

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