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Re: LX164 automatic reboot

If I understand the question correctly, I would say that
depends on the power supply, not the LX164.

You need a power supply that is in a constant on- or off mode,
like light switches. I have no idea where you could buy one.
In fact, I doubt you can, because such a supply would require
a power button just like the before mentioned light switch,
and that won't fit in most cabinets. I suppose you would have
to look for a cabinet with one already fitted.

I've seen some older ProLiant servers with such switches,
and they do come up again automatically when the electricity

- IT

> I have an ATX based LX164, and I'd like to know if there is a way
> to get it to boot automatically after a power failure. Right
> now it requires intervention (pushing the power button).

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