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Need help installing pc164 was: Alpha Boot Floppies

In <[🔎] 20010112150354.A31405@debian.org>, on 12/Jan/2001 
   at 03:03 PM,(-0600 GMT)
"Christopher C . Chimelis" <chris@debian.org> said:

>This reminds me, the current potato boot floppies do NOT work -- problems
>with the name of the drivers disks or something like that.

>Whomever takes over should look into that problem as soon as possible.


Oh great. Now you tell me :-/. I've been banging my head against this
pc164 for ages without getting anywhere. 

So tell me... what do I need to do to get this beast upwardly mobile? Try
to keep it simple please,  I'm not sure I know what I am doing with this
:). FYI I can get MILO going ok and the kernel generally loads ok too but
when the ramdisk is attempted it will fail [1]. I should also mention that
the archive of this list has not been able to help me, though I'm sure the
info is in there if I only knew how to extract it, so even just a pointer
to where I can find what I need will be useful. 


[1] I've had mostly failures to mount root fs on... but depending on what
parameters I give to MILO I get varying results, All not good. 

Working off of 2.2.17 CD and/or 

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