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Re: Bug#1064629: libamd-comgr2: segfault in rocfft

Hi Cory,

On 2024-02-28 21:16, Cordell Bloor wrote:
> This segfault does seem to be caused by mixing clang-15 and clang-17 in
> the HIP RTC codepath. When libamdhip64 from ROCm 5.6.1 (built with the
> same clang-17 as rocm-compilersupport 6.0+git20231212.4510c28+dfsg-1) is
> used, the segfault disappeared [1].

That sounds like we need to tweak the binary dependency relations, so
that mixing clang-15 and clang-17 packages it not possible. I'll look
into it.


> [1]: https://ci.rocm.debian.net/packages/r/rocfft/unstable/amd64+gfx1030/7998/

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