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Change in upstream ROCm compilersupport and device libs


I just wanted to inform the maintainers of rocm-device-libs and rocm-compilersupport that I've been working with upstream to better support upstream LLVM with ROCm.
There are now some release branches created on github for llvm 17, see [1] [2].

I'm told that the organisation will be a bit different for LLVM 18, but it gives you a good preview for now. They've also been talking about moving HIPCC to its own LLVM release branch, but we can figure that out a bit later. Feel free to take this as a base when Debian upgrades to LLVM 17.

Note that these branches have limited tests run before pushing and are meant to be community supported, rather than fully supported. It's an improvement from before, as ROCm has only ever supported their fork of LLVM, with no good way of using stable releases of LLVM.

I will be working with upstream to cherry-pick fixes from newer ROCm releases, but we're still ironing out some of the details. If you have any feedback, please let me know. If you make issues on github or pull requests, please add @mystro256 to get my attention.

A friendly reminder to CC me if you respond on debian-ai, as I am not subscribed to this mailing list.


[1] https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm-Device-Libs/tree/release/17.x
[2] https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm-CompilerSupport/tree/release/17.x

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