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Re: August ROCm Package Testing Results

Hi Cory,

Cordell Bloor, on 2023-08-26:
> I did another run of manual tests on the ROCm packages and I have updated
> the Debian Supported GPU List [1] using the results. It is, perhaps,
> slightly out-of-date already since I was using the previous version of
> rocrand. Nevertheless, I doubt much changed. The full set of logs from both
> my July and August tests can be found on my website [2].

I'm very impressed by the amount of hardware coverage, thank you
for having carried the tests and published the results!  :)

> I really encourage you to take a look at the supported GPU list on the wiki.
> The state of ROCm on Debian is truly special. The only place we fall behind
> in hardware support is in RDNA 3, but I think we can save that for after
> pytorch-rocm. With both LLVM 17 and ROCm 5.7 just around the corner, a month
> or two from now will be pretty good time for a HIP update.

Acknowledged, the current state of hip is it's still mostly at
ROCm version 5.2.3 and begins to lag far behind.  It has
accumulated a lot of patches over time, so a big version bump
may not be trivial.  I think it may be a good idea to begin work
on upgrade of the stack in experimental even if ROCm 5.7 is not
out yet: I believe that would reduce the delta on 5.7 release,
and thus the amount of work at the last minute (and there would
also be the question of the availability of llvm 17 in Debian).
If there are no objections, then I may proceed to a bump of HIP
5.6 in experimental in the upcoming weeks.

> [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/rocm-team/community/team-project/-/wikis/Supported-GPU-list
> [2]: https://slerp.xyz/rocm/logs/

Have a nice week,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emollier@debian.org>
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