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Re: PyTorch failure after onnx update

No worries. I'm doing the PyTorch 1.12.X migration.
And I'm aware of the break before uploading onnx to unstable.
I'm finalizing 1.12.0~rc1 and it will enter the NEW queue in several days.

Due to some complicated reasons, I permanently lost access to any strong
building machine. All I have now is my I7-8565U CPU. In that sense the only
thing I can do is to do the reckless transition, uploading dependencies to
unstable directly so that I can abuse debomatic a little bit to finish
the transition.

I have to upload them to unstable because there is no chance to use an
--extra-packages=... argument like sbuild.

On Mon, 2022-06-27 at 13:31 +0200, Gard Spreemann wrote:
> Hi,
> After a recent upgrade of libonnx1 to 1.12.0-1, PyTorch started failing:
>  ImportError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtorch_cpu.so.1.8: undefined symbol: _ZN4onnx12optimization8OptimizeERKNS_10ModelProtoERKSt6vectorINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESaISA_EE
> Are we just looking at a need to rebuild, or something deeper?
>  Best,
>  Gard

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