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Re: How to Install Basic Debian CLI System with Networking and screen reader

I sure wish Debian would do what Raspbian does,
They make the /boot folder accessible in windows as a fat32 partition, and they have it set up so if you put wpa_supplicant there, it gets picked up and placed in its folder on first boot, or whenever you decide to connect to WIFI. They also allow folks to put a blank text file with the name of ssh and when it boots up with that file in it, SSH is enabled.

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Hoff Jr" <dhoffjr@att.net>
To: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr." <n1ea@arrl.net>
Cc: <debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: How to Install Basic Debian CLI System with Networking and screen reader

wpa_supplicant is also not installed when you only choose item 12. After
the debian installation, I had to get a copy of the dev file and install
it before I could connect to the internet.

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