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Re: Regression: Pipewire 0.63 breaks emacspeak-espeak-server

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason White <jason@jasonjgw.net> writes:

    Jason> Have you considered running Git bisect on Pipewire to
    Jason> identify the commit responsible?

That sounds like a lot of work.  I don't know if the Debian packaging
includes all upstream commits, and I'm not particularly psyched to run a
project as big as pipewire without packaging.
Also, it would be a fairly manual bisection.  I don't know how to tell
if it is talking other than to listen.

My next step is actually going to be to try to produce a small repro
test case directly against libespeak-ng.
Basically test the hypothesis that what breaks is saying something
waiting a bit then saying something else.

If not, I suspect it'll be fun with the debugger and ltrace time.


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