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Re: xclip problem

On 12/23/2017 5:32 AM, john doe wrote:
On 12/22/2017 9:38 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
I tried all of this in a terminal and got :0.0 for the DISPLAY value. So I exported DISPLAY=:0.0 then ran xclip and xclip errored out because it couldn't find DISPLAY :0.0.



"* Connects to the X display in $DISPLAY, or specified with -display host:0"

What happened if you don't set the DISPLAY variable (post the error if any along with the command and where are you executing/entering it)?

Are you on Debian 9 (Stretch)?

Why do you need 'xclip' and what are you trying  to accomplish?

Alt F2 in MATE could run the command in a terminal if you select the appropriate option ('ALT F2' then press twice the tab key and press the space bar to activate the 'Run in a terminal' option).

Single and duble quotes are frequently used to indicate the command to run.

The utility 'xclip' works as expected with the package provided by Debian 9.

It looks like you have some issues on your system.
Can you do a fresh install of Debian 9?

On Fri, 22 Dec 2017, john doe wrote:

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 14:29:42
From: john doe <johndoe65534@mail.com>
To: debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: xclip problem
Resent-Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 19:30:01 +0000 (UTC)
Resent-From: debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org

On 12/22/2017 7:56 PM, Paul Gevers wrote:
 Hi Jude,

 On 22-12-17 19:26, Jude DaShiell wrote:
 as near as I can tell, echo does not work when used after alt-f2 in a
 text command.

 Just tried, for me it works (in KDE).

I don't use mate but if it is like gnome:



"Alt+F2 allows entering a command to launch an application."

So from now on could you enter the commands in a terminal?

There is no need to redirect the output of 'echo $DISPLAY' to a file.

 I also found out it's
 necessary to use touch to create a file first before anything can be
 sent to that file.

 That is absolutely not normal.

As Paul said, something is very rong here.

John Doe

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