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Re: build logs?

On 02/08/2016 05:24 PM, Christian T. Steigies wrote:
> Is this also bad timing?
> W: Failed to fetch http://incoming.debian-ports.org/buildd/dists/unstable/main/binary-m68k/Packages 
> Writing more data than expected (207426 > 200710)

Yes. That happens when the metadata on the FTP server is currently
mismatched in regard to the actual packages. It should fix itself
automatically. If it doesn't, we need to notify Aurelien. We have
had this happen before when two buildds were building the same package
and uploading it one after another. There is no mechanism really to
prevent this, unfortunately.

> Thanks, that gave me a few updated packages like gcc5.

Good :). You didn't have gcc-5 before that? gcc-5 has been
default for a very long time now.

>> Also, it's an ATARI and you know, they have always been inferior
>> to the glorious Amiga :).
> Sorry to disappoint you, a CT60 Atari is a lot more powerful than any Amiga,

You know, I was trolling, no? :P

>> PS: Please also make sure that you have the latest version of sbuild
>>     installed so that garkin can deal with packages which use
>>     build profiles.
> Recent enough?
> root@garkin:~/buildd>wajig policy sbuild
>   Installed: 0.68.0-1

Yes, that's the current version, so there shouldn't be any problem in
that regard.

> I noticed that I get getting debugsymbol packages, also when I build my own
> packages. I have never heard about that before. Seems to work even without
> an entry in the control file.

Yes, that's a new feature of debhelper and it was announced on d-d-a
when it was enabled by default [1]. Didn't you oblige to your duties
as a DD and read the announcements? ;)


> [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2016/01/msg00000.html

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de
  `-    GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

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