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Re: M68K status

On 05/28/2015 12:56 AM, John Voltz wrote:
> I just find it interesting that the kernels all seem to hang at the same
> point whenever I start them from the Workbench. I think I tried the
> latest one from the wiki page over the weekend and it did the same
> thing. I would like to figure out why, so I don't have to go through a
> convoluted startup process to run Debian. Can you quickly explain how to
> install amiga-lilo?

Which was the latest version you tried? I think the wiki links 3.2.0
which is also quite dated but known to work on most systems. I have
a much more recent version, 3.16.x, on my Debian homepage space.

> Thanks for the tips. I wasn't aware that it could be installed that way.
> I'm not super-familiar with Debian,

I created a quick-and-dirty howto some time ago:

> http://www.amiga.org/forums/showthread.php?t=65146

Just get the files from my webspace instead the one linked as this
webspace doesn't exist anymore.

> https://people.debian.org/~glaubitz/chroots/

You can also always just create an up-to-date base system yourself
using debootstrap.

My usual way of installing a new Amiga with Debian would be:

1) Install AmigaOS onto the disk and partition the hard drive
   to leave enough space for a Linux root file system and
   swap. AmigaOS doesn't necessarily need to recognize the
   full disk capacity, just use 2 GiB for AmigaOS, for example.

2) Take the disk out of the Amiga and hook it up to your PC;
   use gparted to create an ext4 filesystem and a swap partition
   on the remaining space of the disk. Note: Partitions need
   to be aligned by Cylinder, not MiB, otherwise the partition
   creation will fail with gparted on an Amiga disk. I already
   filed this as a bug report to libparted upstream.

3) Mount the newly created root filesystem on your PC to some
   mount point, e.g.: /mnt.

4) Create a new minimal base system for m68k using debootstrap:

   $ debootstrap --foreign --no-check-gpg
     --include=apt,nano,aptitude,vim unstable /mnt

   Read the manpage of debootrap if you want to understand the
   options I used.

5) Umount the root filesystem from /mnt and mount the primary
   AmigaOS partition to /mnt instead. Copy kernel and initrd
   from my webspace and put them into a new folder on the
   AmigaOS partition. Copy amiboot-5.6 into the same folder.

6) Decompress the kernel using gunzip:

   $ mv vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-m68k vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-m68k.gz
   $ gunzip vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-m68k.gz
   $ mv vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-m68k vmlinux-3.16.0-4-m68k

7) Create an Amiga shell script with the proper command line
   for amiboot:

   "amiboot-5.6 -d -k vmlinux-3.16.0-4-m68k -r initrd.img-3.16.0-4-m68k
    root=/dev/sda2 fb=false console=ttyS0,9600n8 init=/bin/bash"

8) Umount the AmigaOS partition, take the disk out of your PC
   and back into the Amiga. Boot into AmigaOS and make sure
   the shell script from step 7) is marked as executable. You
   will probably need to configure Workbench to show all files
   in a folder, not just icons.

9) Double-click the script you created in 7) and wait for Linux
   to boot.

10) Once you get a bash prompt, run:

    $ /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage

    to finish the deboostrap installation

11) Configure filesystems, networking, nameserver, hostname
    by editing:

    * /etc/fstab
    * /etc/hostname
    * /etc/resolv.conf
    * /etc/network/interfaces

You can also simplify step 12) by adding more packages to the
debootstrap invocation in step 4). For example, if you want
to use DHCP, just include the package isc-dhcp-client in
the --include directive.

Have fun!


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de
  `-    GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

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