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Re: meeting planning

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 01:43:17PM +0100, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> I will bring my PLCC chip puller and all screw drivers and extra tools
> that would be needed. Since Michael Karcher will be around as well,
> there will be at least two electronic experts on site :).

Ok, cool.
> > It has been offline for a while, there were some stability problems, I don't
> > remember details. But Adrian could use it for his XSurf tests (best, if you
> > bring a harddisk with everything you need on it?).
> Sure. Should I bring a SCSI drive or an IDE drive?

I think kullervo has a SCSI disk, but I will check. Maybe you can bring
both. crest has failed, it crashed when I pulled kullervo out of the
stack, or maybe even before, I haven't seen buildlogs for a week. I tried to
reboot it (it runs of an IDE disk since there was no SCSI driver last time I
tried) and only the 3.10 kernel would recognize the IDE disk. After fscheck
it started lots of daemons, the screen went black (even though I was
pressing keys to prevent the screensaver from turning on) and never came
back. I can (could) ping it, but not ssh into it. Not sure what the problem
is. It has a picasso based video card (PIV?) which allows to connect it to a
regular VGA monitor (TFT ;-) since it has a scandoubler built-in, and it
should use the amiga fbdev driver, nothing fancy, and no X as far as I
remember. Maybe I need to bring it along as well, but it twice as big and as
heavy as crest.
> > If there are Atari experts around, I would also bring my Falcon/CT60. It
> > currently boots from a CF card (testing Michaels kernels), but I would like
> > to get it running from its harddisk again (repartitioning destroyed the
> > working installation).
> I see another potential buildd  :).

It used to be a buildd until I wanted to repartition the harddisk to have a
smaller TOS partition that I could write kernel images to without multiple
reboots. From that it never recovered, though it is booting from the CF
card, but with a very old linux and not enough space for a buildd (which
would ruin the CF card quickly, I am afraid).
> If you can find it, bring the graphics card you mentioned that needs
> a repair. I would hand it to the electronic workshop at my physics
> department. They have everything to do a proper rework, even on SMD
> boards.

Found it.


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