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Re: request for debian-68k-build mailinglist

On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 04:26:46PM -0600, Cord Beermann wrote:

*bummer* forgot one thing: 

> Listmasters prefer the latter idea, because debian-$arch is generally
> the porters-Mailinglist.
> therefore we would add a debian-users-68k mailinglist, and would
> invite all debian-68k subscribers to join that list [1]

$arch would be m68k, so the new list would be debian-users-m68k instead of
debian-users-68k. Or do you intend to keep the traditional naming scheme of
*-68k? If you stay with $arch it would be more logical and maybe less
confusing to use *-m68k instead of *-68k. 
Just a thought.... 

Ciao...                //        Fon: 0381-2744150 
      Ingo           \X/         SIP: 2744150@sipgate.de

gpg pubkey: http://www.juergensmann.de/ij/public_key.asc

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