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Re: Where is CVS for 2.2.18?

On Sun, 4 Mar 2001 mark@foresthaven.com wrote:

> Greetings:
> I wanted to download the 2.2.18 source and build my own kernel to see
> if I could find a clue about the SE/30 difficulties with non-20MB
> systems. As far as I can tell, sourceforge has only the 2.4 source.
> Where can I find 2.2.18?

4. How do I get the source from CVS?
CVS is now hosted at SourceForge, so the procedures for checking out
sources have changed. Use these commands to check out the sources:

	$ export

	$ cvs login

	(The password is blank. Just hit enter.)

	$ cvs co -r linux-2_2 linux-mac68k

	$ cd linux-mac68k

	$ cp config-standard-2.2 .config

	$ make oldconfig



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