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Re: removing xdm

On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 10:38:31AM -0500, Moses Wildermuth wrote:

> >>    dpkg -r xdm   should work.
> >> 
> > 
> I tried this but it did not work due to dependency problem.  Is it because
dpkg --purge xdm
If you don't know what youre are doing, use dselect to remove it, it should
tell you about dependencies and remove them as well.
> xdm was still running?  How do I shut xdm down?  It would be ok if the d*mn
I dont think so. /etc/init.d/xdm stop
> password rtn would work right.  Can I just fix that?  
what password? can you describe a little more what happens in your xsession?
I never have to enter my password in X after I fired it up. I do have to
enter my passPHRASE, but thats a completely different thing and related to
ssh. _where_ do you have to enter your password, is there a window with a
title? are you trying to log in as another user, as root, did you edit your
.xsession? If you give us detailed info, we give you answers.

> After I get this going I need to tweak the screen mode settings a little. 
> I'm getting my depth of 8, but it's on some weird 640x1440 screen.
Are you using the clgen driver? Then you have to fix the kernel to get a
different mode. Ask the other clgen users, maybe by combining the efforts
you can achieve the usability of the 2.0.x driver.

BTW, what happened to the updated docs?  
And anybody tested the new kernel images yet? I put atari images there
today. mac failed to compile...


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