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Re: "Retiring" from DebConf

On 03/08/19 01:39, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I had been waiting for DebConf19's end to send this email. For lack of
> a better word, I'm "retiring" from all my DebConf involvement.

Thank you for that.

> I can't picture myself participating in a conference taking place in
> Israel, much less helping organise one there. Against the continued
> disregard for the rights of the Palestinian people, I feel the only
> power I have as an individual living in North America is to heed
> the call of the BDS movement [1].

I can understand your reasons and the principle.

> I hadn't been doing a lot of orga stuff lately anyway and I did little
> work on the DebConf Sponsors team this year. I'm mainly stepping down
> from my coordination tasks in the DebConf Videoteam. Someone else
> will have to organise meetings and events, craft agendas and keep track
> of the team's deadlines from now on :)
> As a result, I've quit a bunch of DebConf mailing lists, RT tracker
> queues, Salsa groups and IRC channels. I've also asked DSA to remove me
> from *@debconf.org* aliases. I'll still lurk in the DebConf Videoteam
> IRC channel and on the mailing list, but it saddens me to say I will
> not be doing any concrete work for the videoteam this year, or at least
> nothing related to DC20.

It will be a shame to see you step down from this. It has been a
pleasure to have met you and wish you the very best going forwards.
You will be missed, and should at some point in the future you decide
that you would like to get involved again know that you will always be
welcome back.

> I want to thank all the people that have helped organise DebConfs
> in the past few years, and in particular the incredible folks part of
> the videoteam. Thanks for the amazing ride this has been. I've learned
> and grew a lot as a person since Heidelberg and DC15. More importantly,
> I've had a lot of fun.

> I sincerely hope one day we'll all get to see peace in Palestine and
> Israel.
Yes, the sooner the better.

> [1]: https://bdsmovement.net/what-is-bds

Many thanks for for your time and efforts, they have made the team
stronger and better.  Thank you.


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