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Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf17 bids - DebConf Committee

Hi Martin, hi all,

Le lundi, 25 janvier 2016, 06.23:44 martin f krafft a écrit :
> As you know, I am not involved in the DC17 decision process, even
> though I sent the reminder to the teams in November. But I am
> obviously following closely and with great interest, and I do wonder
> about the bid status meeting you propose.
> Is this really necessary, especially given the experience from the
> last years? It sounds like it's going to bind peoplepower and delay
> the decision, while the benefit of the meeting is unclear.

That's a fair point.

> The wiki lists three purposes for this meeting:
>   1. Introductions from teams and their members.
>   2. Questions from teams about the process, and about what others
>      suggest they try to do on any uncertain aspects or potential
>      problems.
>   3. Questions to teams, if there are still unanswered issues.
> Do we really need a meeting for any of these?
> (…)
> Are there any reasons for why we couldn't all read the wiki pages
> (again), engage in a bit more dialogue on the list and simply call
> for a final decision meeting in the near future, e.g. right after
> you get back from your trip? Everyone's time is limited (including
> that of the bid teams).

I was trying to not diverge too much away from the process. But if 
there's no strong objection to skipping directly to the Bid Decision 
Meeting, that works for me too!

Let's use the poll to find out a possible meeting date. As long as a 
good part of the Committee as well as representatives from the two bid 
teams can be present, we can certainly get to agree to make it the 
Decision Meeting. Let's just take this decision way before the actual 
meeting, for clarity, eh…


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