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Re: [Debconf-team] Draft schedule format

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 06:43:27PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi <cate@debian.org> [2015-02-17 17:36 +0100]:
> > Could you tell me what it is supposed to happens in the short
> > daily plenary?
> > I like the idea, but I doubt we can raise enough attention to have
> > attendees.
> Announcements, like when we meet for the day trip, if the venue
> wants us to change something, whatever comes up…
> … this is an asset to us as organisers and of course it'll need some
> time to be accepted as a DebConf standard.
> > And if it only an announcement session (also a raffle IMHO will
> > not help much), after two days most of attendee will skip it. [5
> > minutes to enter in the room, 5 minutes to listen announcements
> > and 5 minutes to go to next talk room, gaining exit as quick as
> > possible...]
> How about people don't go to the next talk room? How about we use
> the slot right afterwards for a keynote or lightning talks without
> separate events?
> It doesn't really make sense if we expect people to get up and leave
> the room right afterwards. It only makes sense if there is a plenary
> event right afterwards.

Right now, I find it difficult to see how we'd have a "plenary" every
morning of the conference. We could schedule just one event to start
the day, but as I said in my previous mail, I need to recount the number
of slots we'd have.


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