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Re: [Debconf-team] [DC14] Portland team: DebConf in the USA

Le lundi, 18 mars 2013 17.32:12, Ana Guerrero a écrit :
>                                I think Daniel got very sensible answers
> and he should realize now it is time to stop.

So we do agree, great!

> Ignoring some stuff because you think they will be solved or "workarounded"
> later is not a good idea at the choosing bid stage as we have seen this
> year.

I didn't understand from Gunnar's mail that he is ignoring the Portland-USA 
"visa" problem, at all. So I still don't get what point you are making [0].


[0] Actually, I suspect we are talking about the controversial DC13 venue
    choice, as initially and continuously proposed by the DC13 bid team. But I
    don't see how the USA visa policy is related.

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