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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf13-localteam] DebConf 13 legal association

Hi Richard

Richard Darst <rkd@zgib.net> writes:

> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 08:45:35AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
>> I disagree with this, as I've observed in the past. For one thing, it
>> doesn't seem to me that it is *that* easy to create this association.
>> One argument is that, if it were so, it'd have already existed by now,
>> no? (But if the counter-argument to that is "we wanted to have an
>> explicit ack before proceeding", fine.)
> FWIW, I haven't been too active but I have been paying attention.
> Local team has well done their due, listened to disadvantages
> presented, and at least I agree now that an association is a
> reasonable thing to do.  Hopefully other people from the team can
> weigh in on if that was decided or not.


> Aside for local team: will you be wanting non-swiss sponsors to pay
> directly to dc13 organization, or go through SPI/FFIS/other
> organizations like usual?  (... related tax, financial
> implications...)

This is not yet decided. I think for EU sponsors going through FFIS does
not make much sense as transactions to Switzerland are free of charge.
We can just open an account in EUR in Switzerland for these

For all other sponsors it depends wether it's easier for them to pay to
SPI or to Switzerland. I'd still prefer direct payments where feasible,
but I guess there will be exceptions. 

>From all I know we would prefer to not have individual expenses paid by
FFIS or SPI (maybe except travel sponsorship and other not strictly
conference related things) but to just invoice these organisation with
XXX $/EUR for organizing DebConf for Debian (as agreed upon by the
budget and the letter of understanding signed by the DPL). Everything
else could create quite hard to explain and correctly administrate
situaitons tax and accounting wise for the association. We discussed
this during DC12 with Henning (DebConf on site accountant) and tbm
(Debian auditor) and they both seemd to think this is a good idea.


Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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