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Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 sponsoring brochure, please review sections Debian and DebConf

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:20:02PM +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> Please review my changes both with regard to content as for english
> language improvements.

I commited some attempts at that.

> Gaudenz
> \subsection{Debian is Choice}
> Debian is known for its adherence to the Unix and Free Software
> philosophies, and for its coverage -- the current release includes
> over 20,000 software packages for more than 10 computer architectures,

http://www.debian.org/ says over 29,000 at the moment. Roughly how many
will be in wheezy?

It wasn't in the sections included here (so maybe this is off topic),
but the full file mentions Switzerland as being an onerous destination.
To my mind's ear onerous connotes worse than I suspect you might
intend. (?)

Also not included here is a quote about DC6 from roblimo. I wonder if
something more recent would be better, if it exists.


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