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Re: [Debconf-team] On site communication

On 07/02/2012 07:23 AM, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Felix Delattre dijo [Sun, Jul 01, 2012 at 09:58:02PM -0600]:
>> Dear team,
>> we have the impression that communication and the proper coordination of
>> local and global team has to improve a lot. We have observed people
>> jumping to quick conclusions when we feel they have not seen the whole
>> picture yet. This is not a DebConf like every year, because - like every
>> year - surroundings and the country is different. Seems like there are
>> different expectations and ways of work. Of course, the things change
>> when we meet in person and that is why we think we should have a deeper
>> and generally frank communication. Maybe it is time for a talk in a
>> small circle (most active global and local team members).
> Thanks, Félix. And yes, we *really* need this. We need to calmly sit
> down, the ~10 of us that can be most clearly seen as "the organizers",
> and oil a bit the social machinery. Yesterday it took me quite a bit
> of time to notice this otherwise obvious tension. We don't want to let
> it rot until it becomes unmanageable!
> So, lets try to set a time for meeting today, in a petit-comite
> setting. Not that we are actively trying to exclude anybody, but
> having an assembly instead of a meeting (as yesterday) makes us skip
> very important points. So we should probably not just shout "meeting"
> as we did, getting all the innocent volunteers dragged in!
> So... You think we can meet ~11:00 somewhere nice, not less than 50m
> away from the hacklab? Panal maybe?

Isn't it video team meeting time?

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