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Re: [Debconf-team] Post-dinner Cleanup

Woo hoo! From my experience in organizing events, janitors are used to being invisible and ignored, and when you treat them like everyone else helping out with your event, they greatly appreciate it, and will make extra efforts to help out.


On Aug 1, 2010, at 9:56 PM, Michael Schultheiss wrote:

While cleaning up after dinner tonight, I spoke with someone from
Columbia University Facilities. He was curious why we were cleaning up
and I said we didn't want to make too much extra work for Facilities.
He said he appreciated our assistance and then asked about where to find
more information about Open Source software.

We should continue to leave the least impact on Columbia as possible.
Thank you to everyone who's been helping clean up after our meals!
Debconf-team mailing list


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 - from Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

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