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[Debconf-team] [food] Summary of food choices


In preparation for the meeting, here is a summary of the various
options we have:

Get a caterer

- We'd have to have a place to do the eating.  We have two options:

  - eat in one of the places we are using for a hacklab, which
    requires clearing it every meal, and holds about 150-175 people.

    This option produces a logistical nightmare.

  - Eat in the courtyard we have, which will be hot and outdoors.  We
    can rent a tent to put inside which will help with the direct sun
    and rain problems.  This greatly solves the "clear the hacklab"

    The localteam hadn't thought of this option until just now, and
    greatly simplifies the logistics of catering.  However, since it
    was just thought up, we need to do more research on its

- With caterers, we can meet most of our other requirements like
  dietary restrictions.

- Prices:  We can go from $6-$8 (a nonprofit culinary school for
  homeless people) to $10-12 (a deli one of our members goes to
  often.).  There are various other more expensive options.  We'd have
  to check if the cheapest option has large enough and quality enough

Eat in the dorm cafeteria

- We can eat in a dorm cafeteria.  This cafeteria would only be open
  Monday to Friday, but would satisfy all of our food needs nicely.
  They _will_ take payment at the door for non-sponsored attendees, so
  this greatly simplifies things.

  The problems with this option are: We'd have to find something else
  to do on weekends.  Maybe they could offer some sort of reduced
  service for us.  Maybe we could cater.

- We have to pay for people all-or-nothing (all people get meals every
  day of the week, you can't tell them the number of meals the day

- We may have to adjust our schedule to fit their hours:
    breakfast 7-9:30; lunch 11:30-2pm; dinner: 5-7pm
  They could maybe extend these a small amount, but it is unlikely.

- Prices:
  breakfast: $8.95
  lunch: $12.95
  dinner: $14.95
  or all three for $33.95

We can discuss more before or during the upcoming meeting.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 334 days, 13:44
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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