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[Debconf-team] DebConf11 Bosnia team - status update

Last week was pretty busy for our team, we had a meeting in Sarajevo
where we've discussed many topics.

First "gathering" was in a form of official meeting, while the second
"gathering" was in form of more unofficial meeting with "core" crew that
was part of DebConf7 Sarajevo team.

You can see some of the pictures from our first meeting:

+ we have created a criteria that's going to be representing the
formation of the local team.

+ agreed to get in contact with all debian/ubuntu/lug from Balkan
region, and getting their words of "support" for this event to take place.

+ Formed a "banknote" that's actually represented in form of a
memorandum; understanding of mutual cooperation between team and govt.,
financial support of 150.000 euros; usage of governmental buildings and
facilities; all in goal of realizing and hosting the DebConf11
conference; etc ...

I have agreed meeting with prime minister, and am currently waiting for
his response; this "memorandum" has been sent to govt. and it's
currently processing. Where the same one should be signed, afterward
we'll be working on preparation of "official" contract about govt.
support fro DebConf.

I'm also meeting with couple of other officials, to get some other
general information about Banja Luka, from local transpiration, to
airport information, to exact information about certain things. If we
could have ~three buses, in Zagreb waiting for DC11 attendees (in peak
when everyone's arriving); how much time exactly is needed from Zagreb
to Banja Luka; General information about Banja Luka airport, to what
other EU capitals is going to "extend" its service to possibility of
"chapter" flights. Also negotiate with Mtel (ISP) about what exactly can
they provide us with (service wise) even though they agreed to "everything".

We haven't meet in Banja Luka, because of horrible weather conditions,
even thought local team from Banja Luka was ready to fully "react".

In brief notes, we're waiting for the banknote/memorandum to be signed,
and gathering our "local team" and support of LUG's from around Balkans.

In meantime I'm going to visit TUIWEN and lobby so whole Vienna/Austria
votes for Bosnia :P J/k, either way, they could tell us interesting
story of what happened to them in 2005 if anything.

+ Plan in Brief notes:

After the banknote/memorandum has been signed, we're going to present
you with our local team (possibly with members from other Balkan
countries), update wiki page with all this information + specific
details on accommodation + transpiration + everything "in between" :)

Keep your eye on updates on: www.microsoft.ba

Regards from Bosnia,

DebConf11 Bosnia/Herzegovina team.

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