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[Debconf-team] DC9 Budget Team Meeting Minutes

Hello everyone,

Wednesday from 2100 to 2217 UTC we had a budget team meeting.  Our
goals were to make a draft of what costs we will have to pay.  I
(Richard Darst/MrBeige/also) chaired.  We had both local team
representatives, as well as the budget team and a few other interested

We found that our estimate puts the cost at 100000€.  We have to add
the day trip and fancy dinner.  There are still a lot of unknowns -
this could vary a lot in either direction.  However, we do have a much
firmer grasp of what is known and unknown.  The sponsor team has data

We used the whiteboard, to draft minutes during the talk.  A copy of
this is below.  First up is action items.  Then is an outline of
everything we learned.  Then is our scratchwork for estimating total
costs.  Feel free to send me feedback if you like/don't like this
outline format.

For questions, ask Hydroxide/Moray/schultmc/MrBeige.

Bot Notes: http://meetbot.debian.net/meetbot/debconf-team.20090325_2100.html
Bot Log: http://meetbot.debian.net/meetbot/debconf-team.log.20090325_2100.html


* Network Connection
  - Things to ask:
    - symmetric or asymmetric (asymmetric is 8Mbits/1Mbits), and exact
    - how many sponsored and COST if not sponsored.
    - can total speed be >=10Mbps up and down ? 

* Junta/Venue
  - Localteam - Junta agreement in writing
  - #-team helps "draft of costs" to send to Junta
    - this draft of costs is in order to let the Junta knows what we
    - they will probably have all the equipment we need, but we need
      to be sure
    - Send by *monday*

* Accommodation costs
  - How much of Muñoz Torrero is sponsored by Junta?
    - which weeks, camp or conf or both?

* Food costs
  - Get food costs on paper.
  - Can we reduce costs by not having breakfast?

* Who is local money holder?
  - maybe debian.es, but still don't know e.g. VAT or other tax

* Left-over money
  - Where is the DC8 left over money?

* Attendance Estimates
  - Get attendance estimates, send to localteam for reference.

* Future Meetings
  - No future budget team meeting planned yet.
  - Will try to have numbers by the April 6 global team meeting.

For each topic, establish:
 - What are our needs based on (estimated) number of attendees?
 - What will Junta provide?
 - What is total cost, and how much is our share?

* Network connection costs
  - 8 adsl lines: cost guessed as 300 euros each
    - number may be lower
    - two residences - 1 connection to each residence
    - venue - 6 connections
  - we will have some sponsorship from Cenatic "for sure"?
    - might be partial or full
  - Things to ask:
    - symmetric or asymmetric (asymmetric is 8Mbits/1Mbits), and exact
    - how many sponsored and COST if not sponsored.
    - can total speed be >=10Mbps up and down ? 

* Venue costs
  - All paid by Junta.
  - Costs go through them, not through us.
  - localteam will get us the costs later, for proper sponsorship
  - #-team helps "draft of costs" to send to Junta

* Accommodation costs
  - Two residences
    - Francisco de Sande (70 persons) about 26000 for 15 days, only
      sleep and breakfast
      - but only want it for the main DebConf week, so 13000
    - Muñoz Torrero (140 persons) "i dont know the total cost"
        - partial sponsorship from the Junta?
        - maybe only sponsored for main debconf week?
        - Number of people sponsored is also unknown
      - Muñoz Torrero is about 25 euros per person/day, only bed and
      - MT is closer to the venue than Franciso de Sande

* Equipment  costs (A/V, networking, etc)
  - we know the Junta will lend us what they have, we just need a list
    of what we want, to be sure that they have enough
  - need to hire tables, about 500
  - equipment hire dc7 comparative: 1500
  - network infrastructure dc7 comparative: 190

* Security costs
  - 150/day for Muñoz Torrero residence, 20.00 to 8.00
    - 150x14 = 2100
  - Francisco de Sande has its own security, it can stay open all
  - Venue open only 8:30 to 20:00
    - We can't get it open later, even if we pay for security
    - We can auditoriums in the accommodations at night, though

* Food costs
  - Breakfast included in the residence costs
    - Can we reduce costs by not having breakfast?
  - 10 per person per day for two meals in Muñoz Torrero?  still
    waiting for final price 
    - gives guess of 70x10x7 + 300x10x7 = 25900
    - not on paper yet

* Who is local money holder?
  - maybe debian.es, but still don't know e.g. VAT or other tax
  - Can handle only up to 100k

* Other non-travel costs: t-shirts, proceedings, day trip
  - t-shirts dc7 comparative: 2000
  - stationery dc7 comparative: 1300
  - insurance dc7 comparative: 1000
  - computer expenses dc7 comparative: 850
  - postage/carriage dc7 comparative: 790
  - day trip dc7 comparative: 0 (attendees paid)
  - conference dinner dc7 comparative: just had a ceilidh, much
    cheaper (550)
  - import duty dc7 comparative: 230
  - advertising dc7 comparative: 90

* Conference-paid travel costs
  - dc7 comparative: 13300

* How much money needs to be raised? 

* Total Costs
  - Net (worst-case: 300*8) (assume half)  = 1200
  - Venue             = 0
  - Accommodation     conf(13000 + 140*25*7 ) + camp(75*20*7)  = 48000
  - Equipment         tables(500) + other(1500+190)  = 2190
  - Security          mt(150*15)    = 2250
  - Food              75x10x7 + 300x10x7    = 26250
  - TOTAL ABOVE  = 77000
  - Other costs from previous confs  = 6810
  - previous conf travel costs  = 13300
  - TOTAL = 100000
Plus other stuff?


People Present:

   1. also
   2. MrBeige
   3. Hydroxide
   4. antorecio
   5. schultmc
   6. cek
   7. moray
   8. Clint
   9. h01ger
  10. blarson
  11. gregoa

Thanks to everyone who attended.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  lefschetz: up 50 days, 20:07
|            http://rkd.zgib.net     (gchat at my email address)
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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