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Re: [Debconf-team] Sponsorship and Papers committee

On 10912 March 1977, Joerg Jaspert wrote:

> First, the sponsorship team. We had a team of 9 members last year who
> took the decision. Most work was done in IRC meetings. It worked similar
> to "I post name, status and amount of money requested" to the channel
> and everyone gives his opinion as yes/no/maybe/pass. That translates to a
> +1,-1,0.5,0 score, which then can be used to sort all people who applied for
> sponsorship and then give out money top-down, as long as money is there.
> Now, for the members of this team:
>  - Joerg Jaspert
>  - Moray Allan
>  - Holger Levsen
>  - Amaya
>  - Margarita Manterola
>  - Neil McGovern
>  - Steve McIntyre
>  - Anthony Towns - the DPL part, we had Branden last year. :)
>  - Martin Wuertele
> Goal here is to have members that are involved with DebConf but also
> know Debian and people involved.

Ok, just setup the neccessary stuff for this team.

We now have the following members:

  - Joerg Jaspert
  - Moray Allan
  - Holger Levsen
  - Amaya
  - Margarita Manterola
  - Neil McGovern
  - Steve McIntyre
  - Anthony Towns
  - Martin Wuertele
  - Gunnar Wolf
  - Junichi Uekawa

Which are 11 people, 2 more than I intended to have. :)
This means we have

 3 UK, 2 German, and each one out of Spain, Argentina, Australia, Mexico
 and Japan,

which gives us a pretty good world coverage (and at the same time makes
it hard to find good meeting times :) ).
(Additionaly someone else volunteered to get asked if we want to know
something about south american people).

bye Joerg
<Ganneff> kde und tastatur? passt doch nicht mit dem nutzerprofil
	"windepp" zusammen :)

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