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Re: debconf6 video and infrastructure wishlist and notes

* Alexander Schmehl <alexander@schmehl.info> [051102 18:58]:

> > So, please provide me with an example pdf, which displays correctly in 
> > acroread, so we can file those bugs.
> Was not a problem at DebConf but at LinuxTag 2005:
> http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/~mrei0999/linuxtag05/debian-women.pdf
> Please take a look at the last but one page 56.  The question mark looks
> bad.

Okay, after some testing we seem to found the problem:
This seems to be a problem with transparent pngs.

The good news:  This problem seems to be solved with xpdf 3.01 (which is
in etch, but not in sarge).  After testing evince 0.4.0-1, kpdf
4:3.4.2-2 and gpdf 2.8.2-1.3 (all from testing/etch), I came to the
conclusion, that there is at least one pdf viewer in Debian etch, which
seems to work good enough (which means that I don't know of any other

Till DebConf-6 there might be even more pdf viewers ;)

Oh, I heard, that you can create fancy transition effects in pdfs (even
using latex-beamer and pdflatex), which didn't work with anything but
acroread, too.

I don't think that will be a problem, since:
a) DebConf is not the typical "I impress my audience by fancy transition
   of my slides" conference
b) The slides still work, but instead of your effect, you just see the
   new slide


Yours sincerely,


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