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Re: [Debconf-discuss] DebConf14 Agenda

On Tue, Aug 05, 2014 at 12:42:46PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach René Mayorga <rmayorga@debian.org.sv> [2014-08-05 12:36 +0200]:
> > We will like to request you to mark your attendance for the talks you
> > are interested in, this will help us to do a better room distribution in
> > case is need it (i.e: very crowded talk scheduled in one small room).
> Does summit also allow optimising wrt conflicts?.

Not sure if it works this way, for me this is my first time interacting
with summit. But at least manually we can see the amount of attendants
and take an action.

> I already registered my attendance early on just to find that some talks I am
> interested in were scheduled into the same time slot, e.g. dc15 at
> the same time as dgit and derivatives.
> I realise this isn't going to be possible in a way that makes
> everyone happy.

Indeed, given the amount of talks, solving conflicts is quite complicate
if you move a talk to address one of this problems, similar issue will
arise elsewhere on the schedule :(
> But unless the schedule is final, maybe the data you are requesting
> would allow for some changes. For instance, I would argue that the
> overlap between people interested in derivatives and dgit is going
> to be quite high. Hence, maybe the dgit talk could be rescheduled
> — just to given an example¹.

Schedule is `final', still we can do some changes if they don't disrupt
the overall structure. Thanks for pointing this up.



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