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[Debconf-discuss] CACert assurance party

Hello dear Debian zealots !

The CACert assurance party will take place Thursday after the talks in BoF room 1 (around 18:30).

If you are interested and did not sign up yet, please send me an email as soon as possible following this template :
Name :
CACert email (or your email) :
CACert Status :
CACert assurers only :
Comments :

The organization and protocols for the assurance will mainly depend on the number of participants. Feel free to send me an email if you are just curious or willing to attend but not sure to be there.

Do not forget to bring your IDs (the more the merrier), pen if you have one, CACert forms if you've got yours (but we can provide a lot).

Here is my previous email for those who did not get it :

If you do not know what is CACert, take a look at Wikipedia [0]

The conditions of an assurance are well explained on CACert wiki [1],
you can find a lot of information there.

I will use the CACert wiki [2] to list participants name (I
will not include any email address of course), and do some organization,
if you do not want me to use your name please *tell me*.

The participants should (must) come to DebConf with official IDs (2 of
them is best, preferably government issued photo IDs) [3] for assurers
to check their identities during the process.

We will try to have a team of assurers ready to give 100 points to give
a good start to new members.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAcert.org
[1] http://wiki.cacert.org/
[2] https://wiki.cacert.org/Events/Debconf13
[3] http://wiki.cacert.org/Assurance/PracticeOnIdChecking

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