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[Debconf-discuss] Debconf runners: (reminder) how about participate to a local 5K race during DebConf?

Before DebCamp started, I proposed the following:

> So, recently, I got in touch with a local group of runners who happen
> to organize a 5K (K stands for kilometers, not for thousands of
> dollars in prizes) race every other Thursday not too far from the
> DebConf venue. And, guess what? They'll have one on Aug 5th, so during
> DebConf.
> I indeed already plan to go there and enjoy running with other running
> freaks. The race is apparently quite friendly and opened to all kind
> of runners (from the videos I've seen).
> The running group is the Van Cortland Track Club, and happen to have
> their "running headquarters" in Van Cortland Park, in Bronx. The race
> is called the "XC Summer Series". Start is at 7pm and a participation
> of UDS5 is asked to participate.
> More details can be found at
> http://vctconline.ning.com/page/xc-summer-series-2
> The race location is very easy to access from DebConf venue at
> Columbia: use subway line 1 all the way to the end (242th street) and
> walk a few mins to Van Cortland Park. The trip should be about 30
> minutes or so. From Google Maps, Van Cortland Park seems to be a nice
> place... Hopefully, New-Yorkers can confirm...or tell me that I'm crazy!

I met with the VCTC folks this morning and they're enthusiast about
having some of us participating to their race. One can see this as a
nice way to do some free software advocacy and have opportunities to
talk about Debian..:-)

Running in kilt is even possible...and don't be scared: I noticed this
morning that all kind of runners are over there, so even occasionnal
runners can easily participate.

So, if interested, please register on
http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/5KRunningRace (registering
yourself means nothing...even if you happen to not be able to
participate...the real registration, that involves a $5 fee, is made
just before the race).

I hope that this will not conflict with another DC10 event (I'm
fearing the group photo) as we'll have to leave no later than 17:45
(sorry....5:45pm). I apologize in advance to last speakers for that
day whose talks could be missing some of us.

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