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Re: [Debconf-discuss] More questions regarding what to bring for DebConf10 (and other stuff)

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 01:52:53PM -0300, Rogério Brito wrote:
> Hi.
> I am resending this (with another question appended at the end) because
> I think that my messages are not getting through.
> On Jul 22 2010, Rogério Brito wrote:
> > Hi there, people.
> > 
> > As a continuation of what one should bring when coming to this
> > year's Debconf, I have some questions:
> > 
> > 1 - What type of mains outlets will we use? I faintly remember having
> >     read this one, but can't find it again.  An A plug? B plug? [1][2]
> >     Any other? And the voltage? 127V?
> > 
> >     [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:A_plug.jpg
> >     [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Domestic_AC_Type_B_USA.jpg

The dorm rooms should have B plugs, but I didn't check specifically
since I was so sure that it would.  I would say assume B plugs.

> > 2 - The "What to bring" section of the Welcome page [3] says that one
> >     should bring a "long" ethernet cable. How long should that be? Are 3
> >     meters sufficient?
> > 
> >     [3] http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/Welcome#What_to_bring

The there one double ethernet jack in each room, so you may need to go
from one side of the room to your desk, possibly on the other side.
5m is safe, 10m if you nicely want to route it around the walls, but
you can certainly find a way to make do with less e.g. rearrange desks
or not use a desk.  People could make do with 2-3m if they rearrange.

> > 3 - How much money should one bring? Say, how much does "an average" bus
> >     trip cost (say, from the JFK airport to Columbia University)? Should
> >     one bring money for tips? (Is this a common usage?)
> > 
> > 4 - Are there convenience stores located in the campus/near the campus?

Plenty.  Everything I need to live is within 5-10 minutes walking distance.

> > 5 - Are there any regulations regarding, say, getting out of the campus
> >     at night, if one needs to? Say, one is hungry in the middle of the
> >     night or one needs to go to a drug store or to a hospital?

The campus is open to the general public 24/7/365 unless you do
something illegal and get kicked off.  Noone should have any problems
entering or leaving at any time (and I do at all kinds of random times
of day or night, no one ever stops me).

> > 6 - What transportation means would be needed to get to commerce as
> >     above?

Feet should work for pretty much anything.

> > 7 - Again in the "What to bring" section of the welcome page there is a
> >     "your health insurance details". I think that my health insurance is
> >     (perhaps) only valid inside my country. Does this mean that I am
> >     foobar'ed?

Columbia has a free ambulance service but if they take you to a
hospital you will probably need to pay or have insurance.

> > I think that I have some other questions, but let me not overload you
> > with too many questions. :-)
> 8 - Is the network access in the dorms restricted in any way?

You should get public IPs with an hourly limit of 1GB down / 400MB up
(last I checked).  It's likely 100mbit.  No limits within campus or
internet2, which includes DebConf and the on-campus mirror and
streaming server.  Don't do anything illegal or unnice, or we may get
a talking to.

- ricahrd

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