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Re: "new" talks and preliminary pal dvds available

Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Matt Taggart]
> > This is so cool!
> Yes.  I look forward to having this DVD. :)
> Btw, I see that the video links on
> <URL:http://wiki.debian.net/?DebConf5Talks> need to be updated.  The
> films are present but not linked in for a few of the talks.

I tried updating it on Sunday but the wiki was uneditable at that

> > Maybe you should consider charging slightly more and use the extra
> > money towards helping the video team next year? Or setup the
> > ordering web page to allow people to pay extra for that purpose or
> > something.
> I would happily pay more than 3 EUROs for this DVD, and hope the
> surplus will go to the debian project. :)

Any surplus from my DVD sales will go to the Debian UK Society.
However I don't want to accept money on behalf of the Society (I'm not
a DD so I'm not a member of it) or the video team (which I wasn't even
involved with until after Debconf).  If you want to donate money to
Debian it's probably best to give it to your local branch or to SPI,
which I believe puts a lot of money into each Debconf.

Ben Hutchings
Logic doesn't apply to the real world. - Marvin Minsky

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