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Re: tunes from your area

also sprach Holger Levsen <debian@layer-acht.org> [2005.06.20.1327 +0200]:
> At least in germany (and lots of other european countries, don't
> know about the situation elsewhere) making copies for friends is
> perfectly legal.

I have contradictory information: there is no real law at the moment
governing audio recordings, so they fall under the category of
printed media. Here, the law states you may make up to seven copies
for distribution to "close friends and family" from the original.
This means that the "right" does not extend to the ones you pass
a copy of a recording.

This was the state of the art when I last research the matter. If
you have contrary information, please provide a source. I make no
claims that I know this better than you, but I'd love to see your
claim in writing.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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where there aren't enough policemen to control them.
                                               -- stanislaw jerzey lec

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