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Re: Room Assignment Release Candidate

On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 15:11 +1000, Anibal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> >As I mentioned in a previous email, the cellar is a big room where you can
> >put your sleeping bag, but there are no private bathrooms nor any
> >kitchenettes.
> >
> >Well here's the url:
> >http://www.marga.com.ar/~marga/debconf-rooms.html
> I couldn't see Jeff Licquia listed at the URL above. Branden sent an
> email [1] requesting a place for him.
> [1] http://liw.iki.fi/lists/debconf5-team@lists.debconf.org/msg00478.html

I should point out that, after a bit of discussion on Progeny's end,
they have approved the hotel expenditure for me.  There's always the
possibility that something will go wrong with the booking until it's
done, but I expect to know that from our secretary very soon.

I do thank you all for your consideration and attention to detail on my
behalf, however.

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