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Re: What do you look for in your accomodation? a survey

* Matthew Garrett (mjg59@srcf.ucam.org) [050430 10:15]:
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 10:32:29AM +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:

> > The goal is to have a community meeting. if people keep wandering
> > off, it is not the same thing. so *our* effords are to keep
> > people at the site and together, not to distribute them over
> > helsinki or in hotels. I regard that as counter-productive for
> > the community site of things.

> You can't build a community by trying to keep everyone in one place. 
> They need to be there by choice.

Though it is true that people need to be there by choice for a
sucessfull comunity, I consider it still a good idea to make the choice
easy to stay in the same place by improving the conditions.

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