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[Debconf-announce] Day Trip Tomorrow

If you are planning to go on the day trip and are not signed up on
please do so.  If you are in the Independent / On your own group
and need baseball tickets, please arrange with me to get your tickets
tonight or tomorrow morning.

If you are in a numbered group and do not yet have your tickets, your
Group Leader will distribute tickets to you tomorrow morning, as well
as any transportation sponsorship required.

If you are NOT going on the day trip, you may eat in John Jay, Uris Hall,
Brad's, or any on-campus or off-campus eatery at your own expense.  The
hacklabs will not be open, but you are free to hack in the dorm lounges.

If there are any more questions, please feel free to ask or to show
up outside of Mudd at 9:30am tomorrow.

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