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Re: Help: Burning multisession DVD+R with cdrecord 2.01.01a37


> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4288486

You have a problem with the formatter program
genisoimage, a clone of mkisofs.

growisofs uses mkisofs (or a clone of it) as
formatter. It obtains multi-session info from
media, operates mkisofs accordingly, and directs
the resulting image to media by its own DVD
capabilities (which are ecxellent, btw).

> Step 2 - Append each additional track:
> I moved an existing file out of the current directory
> and into another: /media/sdc1/backups/rt/2008/02/ rt.2008.02.06.tgz 
> and added a new file: /media/sdc1/backups/rt/2008/02/ rt.2008.02.07.tgz
> ... # growisofs -M /dev/hda -R -J /media/sdc1/backups/rt

Your idea is great. Greater than genisoimage can fulfill

You cannot delete or rename a file by genisoimage multi-session.
genisoimage will not examine a directory tree for changes and
update it in the ISO image.
Looks like it rather refused to overwrite some directory.
Or it is just a bug. Hard to say.

You should nevertheless be able to add a new file to an 
existing directory.  Try whether this works as second session:

  growisofs -M /dev/hda -R -J /media/sdc1/backups/rt/2008/02/rt.2008.02.07.tgz

(Use fresh media. Not those from previous experiments.)

With cdrskin you would have to do what is usual
with CD-R and multisession:
  c=$(cdrskin dev=/dev/hda -msinfo 2>/dev/null)
  mkisofs ... -C "$c" -M dev/hda ... | cdrskin dev=/dev/hda -multi -tao ...

The libburnia project is quite near to releasing an
integrated multi-session tool which would be able to
do parts of your above sketch.
For the remaining days - or if you have had enough
adventure - i would advise you to either use above
cdrskin gesture or to go back to growisofs which will
do the same more conveniently.

Have a nice day :)


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