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Re: cdrtools-2.01a37 ready

> then why all the griping about GPL violations?

If this question is in my direction: because I got fed up with constant
and annoying gripes about GPL violations by someone who can't even
point to a reasonable actual violation[1] and then can't comply

Besides, I'd like to know the license status of cdrecord, and I
mightn't be the only one.


[1] Users don't look at the source. Programmers who do, find all of
SuSE's changes cleanly separated in patch files. Frankly I'm not going
to waste any time on whether source files should be marked too (it's
nitpicky at best), especially as Jörg hasn't even requested it. And I
sure asked!

[2] No disputes from anyone yet

Volker Kuhlmann			is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/		Please do not CC list postings to me.

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