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Re: problem burning DVD-R with PX708A

Thanks for your answer.

Le Samedi 7 Février 2004 12:19, vous avez écrit :
> > growisofs can't burn dvd-r. It works fine with dvd+rw.
> > I haven't tried yet with +R nor -RW.
> > I've made several atempts, always failing the same way:
> > -speed does not work
> > burning fails trying to write block 0.
> >
> > INQUIRY:                [PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-708A  ][1.04]
> >  Mounted Media:         11h, DVD-R Sequential
> >  Media ID:              MXL RG01
> MXL means Maxell, right? Note that Maxell DVD-R brand was exposed to
> counterfeit attempt, see
> http://www.maxell.co.jp/e/release/20030704.html. How does your emballage
> look like?
> >  Write Performance:     4.0x1385=5540KB/s@[0 -> 2294911]
> >  Speed Descriptor#0:    02/2298495 R@8.0x1385=11080KB/s
> > W@2.0x1385=2770KB/s Speed Descriptor#1:    02/2298495
> > R@8.0x1385=11080KB/s W@1.0x1385=1385KB/s
> Normally "Write Performance" appears in one of the "Speed Descriptor#N"
> as well. The fact that it doesn't means that unit failed to properly
> identify the media...

You're probably right. It's an unbranded 50 spindle. However, I tried with an 
other brand (Sky which identifies as 'VDSPMSAB 01') and had the same problem. 
However those DVD were given for 4X and I successfully burnt 2 out of 5.

> > # growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/scd1=Input.iso
> > ...
> >
> > :-[ WRITE@LBA=0h failed with SK=3h/ASC=02h/ACQ=00h]: Input/output error
> 3/02/00 stands for "NO SEEK COMPLETE" (see
> http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW/keys.txt for transcripts),
> which just bizarre in this context and therefore most likely indicates
> poor firmware support for this media. Well, given that Maxell is
> well-established brand, it also might be as simple as media defect on
> that particular disk... Did you try several disks or just one?
I tried several.

> > # growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=1 -Z /dev/scd1=Input.iso
> >
> > :-( Failed to change write speed: 5540->1385
> Well, it's hardly growisofs fault. As mentioned above, unit apparently
> gets speed settings backwards. I would strongly recommend to try another
> media brand. A.

I dug a bit further into the speed problem. It seems the unit always returns 
the highest performance for the type of media regardless of the speed 
requested. I mean the command GET_PERFORMANCE (0xAC) with param "Overall 
Write performance" (4) would always return 5540 for DVD-R's. However the 
command 0xAD returns the correct current write speed as set by the 0xB6 
command. I'm going to change a piece of code, just to see how far it goes 
without testing back the speed.

Do you have any pointer on a kind of command reference for the DVD devices ?


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