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Re: problems with growisofs (?)

> But sometimes it [DVD+RW recording with NEC-ND1300A] goes wrong.
> > > After this I can't even mount the dvd unless I reboot or open the
> > > dvd manually.
> >
> >Utterly strange, sounds more like deficient hardware... If upgrading
> >firmware doesn't help, I'd suggest to try to replace the unit...
> It is a brandnew unit...

Well, it doesn't really exclude the possibility of manufacturing
defect... But once again, do try firmware upgrade before making final

> > > INQUIRY:                [_NEC    ][DVD_RW ND-1300A ][1.05]
> >                                                        ^^^^ There is
> >newer firmware avaiable, 1.08 and even 1.09 were observed...
> >
> > > Media ID:              RICOHJPN/W11
> >                                   ^^^ It's first time I see /W11, yet
> >another reason to upgrade firmware... A.
> Just an unknown media id or bad one?

It only means that I have reasons to believe that it's *recently*
introduced media, which in turn means that there is *remote possibility*
that it's not *properly* supported by your firmware. RICOHJPN is a solid
brand, it's just that I have observed only RICOHJN/W01 so far, but no
W11. That's all:-) A.

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