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Re: plextor px-708uf: cannot get disk type

> I am sure that if growisofs would check all relevant information
> returned by the driver, it would fail too.

Thomas! Could you run attached program with your /dev/dvd as argument?
Then remove +4 from dinfo declaration, recompile and re-run. To compile
save it in dvd+rw-tools source catalog and compile with g++. A.

#include "transport.hxx"

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
{ Scsi_Command cmd;
  unsigned char dinfo[32+4];
  int i,err;


    cmd[0] = 0x51;
    cmd[8] = sizeof(dinfo);
    cmd[9] = 0;
    if (err=cmd.transport (READ,dinfo,sizeof(dinfo)))
        sperror ("READ DISK INFORMATION",err);
        for(i=0;i<sizeof(dinfo);i++) printf("%02x ",dinfo[i]);

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